Erosion control geocells

10 companies | 16 products
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erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

... easily slide down the slope and get washed away by heavy rainfall before vegetation has become established. TENAX TenWeb geo-cells are honeycomb shaped structures manufactured by continuous extrusion of polyethylene ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

Armtec’s cellular confinement systems are used in conjunction with granular or weaker soils to create an engineered-grade composite. Typical applications include earth retention, channel lining, slope protection and load support. Confinement ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

Combat slope erosion and stabilise surfaces using TERRAM GEOCELL. Using TERRAM GEOCELL to control erosion ensures better resistance to the erosive ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

Armater is a honeycomb-type geocell, made by alternate linking of strips of polyester non-woven by gluing. Armater is a versatile, dependable and well-proven geocell that delivers effective erosion ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

ForCell Erosion Control Products, which are manufactured from HDPE or PE alloys as a three dimensional product and have orifices in diamond shape, are used for preventing surface erosion ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

... filling materials can be used with Secumat® Cell. They are held in place by the pocket-like structure and thus provide erosion control. Reliable and effective even under demanding conditions Can be ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

Erosaweb works by confining and stabilising the surface of weak soils by creating a honeycomb of interconnected polymer strips that form pockets to locate and strengthen the infill material. Erosaweb can be laid over stable steep slopes ...

erosion control geocell
erosion control geocell

... unconfined. The CCS technology is based on the interaction between hoop stresses in the geocell cell walls and passive earth resistance of single or multi-layered geocell systems. Presto and their partners ...

See the other products
Presto Geosystems
stabilization system geocell
stabilization system geocell

... specific area failure when used for specific load support situations. The added cell wall area is ideal in severe slope erosion control purposes by efficiently preventing the removal of soil particles ...

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