EPDM sealings

3 companies | 5 products
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stainless steel sealing
stainless steel sealing

SEAL GASKET IN EPDM with stainless steel A2 washer 26 mm thick EPDM gasket

protection sealing
protection sealing

A black self-gripping gasket with a steel core. Manufactured from EPDM with a density of 550g/dm3, this gasket can be used to seal panels with a thickness of 1mm – 3mm. NOTE: these gaskets are only available in lengths of 50m.

See the other products
protection sealing
protection sealing

A black self-gripping gasket with a steel core. This gasket is made from EPDM and has a density of 550g/dm3. Available in 50m lengths, this gasket can be used to seal panels with a thickness of 1mm – 3mm.

See the other products
protection sealing
protection sealing

A black self-gripping gasket with a steel core. Manufactured from EPDM with a density of 550g/dm3, this gasket can be used to seal panels with a thickness between 1mm – 3mm. NOTE: these gaskets are only available in lengths of 100m.

See the other products
protection sealing
protection sealing

... they must be designed to fit perfectly into windows and doors. Here, you get the largest selection of materials from silicone, EPDM, TPE and PVC - each in foamed and compact versions and suitable for every application. Know-how D​ifferent ...

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