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- Commercial swimming pool
Commercial swimming pools

The prefabricated elements MALLOR allow the construction and rehabilitation of pools up to 3 m deep, with the dimensions and design created by the designer, and the desired surface finish. The surface of the prefabricated ...

We are offering a new generation of toddler pools. Our many years of experience has allowed us to implement innovative developments in our toddler pools: A well-known shortcoming is that paddling pools ...

... have the most impact. Guncast Swimming Pools design a vast range of swimming pools and often draw on innovation to ensure the swimming pool ...

MULTIPURPOSE POOL SUITABLE FOR COMMERCIAL AND PUBLIC USE, IDEAL FOR SPORTS Bluespring can be modified and engineered for use in a commercial and public ...

... swimmers. Nowadays, pools are not only for swimming. They are now the source of joy with different kinds of activities. Wave pool becomes a mustfeature in every aqua park, designed ...

Swimming pool with internal cladding in Pietra da Torre, the exclusive stone of Arredo di Pietra from Siena, Tuscany. The edge is in Athena travertine, a bright-colored travertine that enhances the unique ...

Dive into Cold Pool. After the exposure to the heat, diving in an “icy well” is the recommended cold reaction to bring back the body values to their normal levels. The low temperature allows to reduce the body overheating, ...

Wave Pool WP Mechanism - 60 HP WP Mechanism - 100 HP WP Mechanism - 150 HP Wp Mechanism - 200 HP Area Required 500 SQ MTR 750 SQ MTR 1000 SQ MTR 1400 SQ MTR

Length: 961 cm
Width: 449 cm

Pools of various shapes, colors and sizes that favour the children motor and psychomotor growth as well as their creativity; they are composed of elements that can be anchored to each other by means of ultra-resistant ...
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