Ceramic listellos

7 companies | 23 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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ceramic listello
ceramic listello

Decorated tiles which tell the wonderful suggestions of the Amalfi land. The atmospheres recreated from the collection “Antichi Decori” of Ceramica Francesco De Maio, catch the colors and draw perfect geometries, giving to the viewer ...

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ceramic listello
ceramic listello
Rounded Edge & Rounded Edge Corner

Profile corners, as a stylized v-cap version to end to the detail any compromised area and with its matching corner. Complement to the handmade 25 and 50.

ceramic listello
ceramic listello

Discover the stunning beauty and unparalleled versatility of Listelo skin, an innovative proposal that combines modernity and naturalness to completely transform your buildings and facades. With a wide variety of elegant shapes, Listelo ...

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ceramic listello
ceramic listello

ceramic listello
ceramic listello

ceramic listello
ceramic listello

The round edge of a bullnose creates a smooth way for your tile pattern to end - intentionally. It's a detail that adds a finishing touch when your tile pattern ends in the middle of a wall. It can also be used to curve around a corner. UNIQUELY ...

ceramic listello
ceramic listello

We combine our experience with the latest technologies to develop and manufacture our range of wall and floor ceramic tiles.

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