Cement-based primers

8 companies | 8 products
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concrete primer
concrete primer

Three component epoxy-cement based special primer. Can be used on absorbent and non-absorbent substrates. Can be used on damp substrates and those with high residual moisture. Apply two ...

cement-based primer
cement-based primer

masonry primer
masonry primer
Baumit SanovaPre SV61

Baumit SanovaPre render is:- a cement based splatter coat designed to ensure good adhesion to new and historic backgrounds. designed for salt contaminated and damp masonry, natural stone, brick or ...

wood primer
wood primer

Three component epoxy-cement based special primer. Can be used on absorbent and non-absorbent substrates. Can be used on damp substrates and those with high residual moisture. Apply two ...

concrete primer
concrete primer

BRICKFORM Triple Seven Bond Coat, Primer for Cementitious Overlays BRICKFORM Triple Seven Bond Coat is an entirely new concept in primers for cementitious materials. It prevents the concrete from absorbing ...

masonry primer
masonry primer

... absorbent1 or fairly absorbent surfaces, such as: concrete, cement-based screeds, gypsum2, plasterboard, anhydrite2, wood and chipboard before applying adhesives, skimming plaster or cement-based ...

concrete primer
concrete primer

DOMOPOX FLOOR PRIMER is a two-component, based on epoxy resins, solvent-free primer. It is used to improve adherence on brittle-friable concrete or other cement-based ...

concrete primer
concrete primer

... or rendering on porous cement-based surfaces. SUITABLE SURFACES • Porous concrete and cement screed • Normally porous concrete and cement screed • Light ...

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