Cast aluminum coffee tables

4 companies | 4 products
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minimalist design coffee table
minimalist design coffee table

Length: 90 cm
Width: 90 cm
Height: 75 cm

Functional, minimalist, and versatile : Triada is a die-cast aluminum table with three blades, the main features of which are its functionality and minimalist design. It is available ...

contemporary coffee table
contemporary coffee table

Length: 110, 79 cm
Width: 45, 40 cm
Height: 33, 48 cm

Contrasts of light and reflections characterise the Next 147/148 coffee table family. Made entirely of polished cast aluminium, in different sizes and heights, they are characterised ...

contemporary coffee table
contemporary coffee table

Length: 50 cm
Height: 40 cm

Raw beauty Ghost Coffee Table is a solid table in cast iron. The elegant table is casted with three pointed legs and a table top ...

contemporary coffee table
contemporary coffee table

Length: 90, 120 cm
Width: 75, 90 cm
Height: 41 cm

Height: 41 cm: 90 x 75 cm (triangular) or 120 x 90 cm (triangular) Plate: plain glass Feet: cast aluminium, part polished (best match for the Rolf Benz 322 sofa range).

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