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Building coatings
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... Coastal Protection and River Bank Stabilization Makes coasts safer Porous and water-permeable Reduces the cost of construction and maintenance Absorbs the energy of impacting waves Environmentally sound Strong ...

Trade levelling and smoothing compound, protein-free with low odour and high compressive strength. For levelling or smoothing differences in thickness of 1-10 mm to receive all types of floor coverings. Slower hardening - suitable for ...

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
... surface is required. It is suitable for new builds and retrofit projects, including refurbishment of Heritage and Listed buildings. Argatherm is also compatible with other lime or cement based plasters (new or old) and ...

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
The finish of the “Building Mediterranean” Argacem Colorato is the fastest solution to finish Diathonite insulating and dehumidifying systems. Thanks to its breathability it allows the humidity disposed of by Diathonite ...

... pigments. To be used as finishing paint onto external plasters. Its high-granulometry inerts value allow to realise a finishing coating similar to a traditional plaster. Ideal as a finishing for our thermal-acoustic plaster ...

Capacity in Kg: 15 kg
Archi+ Pietra is a mineral plaster coat in powder for interiors. It is made of natural hydraulic lime NHL 3,5 (EN 459-1), aerial lime, specific aggregates and rheological modifiers carefully selected to ensure an excellent workability. ...

Capacity in Kg: 15 kg
Archi+ Pietra Intonaco is a mineral plaster coat in powder for interiors. It is made of natural hydraulic lime NHL 3,5 (EN 459-1), aerial lime, specific aggregates and rheological modifiers carefully selected to ensure an excellent workability. ...

Capacity in Kg: 15 kg
Archi+ Argilla is a powdered mineral wall coating for interior use, based on clay, aerial lime, carefully selected aggregates and rheological modifiers to ensure excellent workability. A new product formulated with natural ...

MARCONOL IMPREGNANTE is a product used to impregnate woodwork. It features a high throwing power required for outdoor resistance and to protect the wood against pollutants, even in harsh environmental conditions, remaining unaltered despite ...
San Marco

... of the surface caused by patching or superficial inhomogeneities of previous coatings. Suitable as a smoothing finish on surfaces where previously have been removed old coatings or paints. With a good ...
San Marco

Wall coating for exteriors with an innovative formulation that combines the traditional strength and durability of acrylic-siloxane coatings with numerous properties deriving from the product's special ...
San Marco

... application convenience. This premixed plaster adapts to a variety of building contexts, from external thermal insulation to internal wall and ceiling treatments, significantly enhancing building insulation. ...

Premixed dehumidifying plaster with high thermal insulating properties. Density 230 kg/m3. It is composed of macro-porous water binders mixed with Drymur, selected and pre-dosed, virgin expanded polystyrene beads, perfectly spherical ...

Premixed single-layer levelling smoothing mortar Leveller permeable to water vapour, with good workability. Suitable for: rough surface, lime and cement based surfaces and thermal insulating plaster (type Isolteco®), thermal dehumidifying ...

TRANSPARENT SOLVENTBORNE ALIPHATIC POLYURETHANE COATING Resistant to UV rays, acid rain and the action of numerous acids: these are the characteristics of Finisol Trasparente Lucido which, combined with flexibility, ...

WATERBORNE EPOXY 3 COMPONENT COATING (A+B+C). Waterborne 3 component product based on liquid epoxy resin with hydrolytic binders, to be used as primer for substrates even with humidity from ground-up. Uses Reduces ...

... surface to facilitate the adhesion. • As it is a top coating for already existing resinous coverings, before the application it is necessary to check the over-coating time of the older coating.

Capacity in Kg: 2 kg
Surfaces decorated with chiaroscuro aspects modulated to suit the client’s requests and artisan skill of the installer, for truly unique and personal effects. This surface is inspired by the effects obtainable using the various trowelling ...

Saint Gobain Rigips

High breathability and water resistance for indoor and outdoor use CP0 is a thick mineral organic finish coating for outdoor and indoor use, featuring high breathability and water resistance, composed of water-dispersed ...

Capacity in Kg: 5 kg - 20 kg
... . Certified for the encapsulation of fibre‑cement and asbestos‑cement slabs. Rainproof waterproofing of flat roofs Cool Roof (white) certified A, B, C certified, in accordance with Italian Min. Decree 20/08/1999 Coverage ...

... mineral based plaster (groups PII and P III as per DIN 18550-1). Also suitable as finish on matt emulsion- or silicate-based coatings. Note: Not for use on surfaces containing efflorescence, on plastics and wood or on ...

is a homogeneous elastic medium grain coating, which provides a troweled finish. The product consists of special acrylic elastomeric resins in water dispersion which provide excellent weatherability and resistance to ...
OIKOS colore e materia per l'architettura

* CVT - Epoxy primer and low viscosity hardener and high penetration for base preparation and string impregnation * CVT - impregnating - fissotropic epoxy resin and hardener for fabric impregnation Fissotropic epoxy resin and hardener ...

Traditional cement and lime base coat plaster for interiors and exteriors. Use K 27 is used as a base coat plaster on bricks, concrete blocks, rough concrete etc. For special substrates follow the instructions of the supplier. ...
Fassa Bortolo

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
... Application: •Interior (walls, ceilings) •As a second layer on the plaster •As a leveling layer on old plaster •Clay building boards, drywall boards (such as plasterboard and gypsum fibreboard) •On insulation boards ...
Ziegelei Götz

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
... . Ingredients: Clay, sand up to 0.5 mm Application: •Interior (walls, ceilings) •As decorative plaster •On clay building boards, drywall boards (such as plasterboard gypsum fibreboard) •On insulation boards ...
Ziegelei Götz

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
We produce clay exterior plaster as a dry, machine-ready mix in 25 kg bags or in big bags Ingredients: Clay, sand in various grain sizes, vegetable additives Application: •Outdoor area •As base and top coat •On masonry •On ...
Ziegelei Götz

Vivaldi is an acrylic emulsion-based interior wall coating. It gives a velvety-looking effect on the applied surfaces. It contains various additives, fillers, and pearlescent pigments. Available in 2,5 L packaging.

... features a slim thickness of just 1-2 mm and excellent adhesion properties. With its smooth texture, this cement-based polymer coating system offers a surface hardness comparable to a wooden floor, measured at 43 N/mm. FEATURES - ...

... a real variety of brushed, bright and natural metal shades. With more than 40 years of solid experience in aluminium coating and colour matching, Elval Colour can offer reliable added-value services by assisting ...
Elval Colour S.A.

... process that converts the metal surface into a decorative, durable, corrosion-resistant, anodic oxide finish. The anodised coating is hard, durable, will never peel, and, under normal conditions, will never wear through. The ...
Elval Colour S.A.

A transparent coating that uses nanotechnology to prevent graffiti paint from sticking to the façade surface. agraphon® is a permanent treatment of coated aluminum products with anti-graffiti staining ...
Elval Colour S.A.

Capacity in Kg: 30 kg
isolera bitumen thick coating 2C is used for the production of exterior waterproofing of buildings in areas in contact with the ground. The product is suitable for use on horizontal/horizontal and on ...

RUREWALL COAT 30 is a new generation monomer silanes with low molecular weight, which penetrate deep into the material to be treated, without changing its external appearance and vapour permeability, forming a barrier against water penetration.

Use to fill drywall joints, nail indentations, cracks and openings around windows, doors, and moulding. Will not shrink or crack. Product Details Lightweight, fast drying, excellent adhesion Paintable Indoor/outdoor use Available in ...

Capacity in Kg: 25 kg
Lafarge concrete


Capacity in Kg: 23 kg
Fast-drying veneer plaster that may be finished smooth, float or textured. Delivers smooth or textured veneer plaster finishes. Fast-drying; can be applied directly over Imperial® Gypsum Base. Norfolk™ Veneer Finish plaster delivers ...
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