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The double-glazed window is one of the most common types because of its thermal and acoustic insulation qualities.
Thermal break windows reduce thermal losses through the frames and seals.
The aluminum window has become very common because its resistance to corrosion reduces maintenance costs.
Casement windows are the most common type of window. They can be installed singly or paired, and are made of diverse ...
The triple-glazed window offers the best thermal insulation of any type.
A wood window lends a note of warmth to any room. The great variety of wood types makes for multiple options.
A roller blind is a window covering which descends from a roller to limit or block light coming through a window.
A sliding window occupies less space than other window types, but is difficult to wash from the inside.
A fixed window is ideal for inaccessible areas.
A patio door is a glazed door (or one of a set of doors) connecting outdoor to interior spaces. It may be hinged, fol...
A sliding patio door may come in many different sizes and forms. It may be a narrow, single leaf or a multi-leaf floo...
Exterior blinds can be mounted above an opening to block or reduce light, or above a terrace to create a shaded area.
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